Friday, October 28, 2011


The Walls were up, Dark and cold... This girl succluded herself from the world.

Alone and scared she tried to find guidance but she was only up against disappointment.. Scream at the top of her lungs, SCREAMING HELP!!!! Nobody seemed to care, everyone ignored the poor girl. She has been through so many obsticles in her life, that she now destroys anything that is on her path. All she ever wanted was to be accepted that was not much to ask. With scar's on her face and the internal agony ripping through her body wishing that just one person would accept her for who she is, not what she once was or could be, but just to be accepted for her! Everything she had ever loved had vanished in some way in just a blink of an eye when she revealed what she had went through. All those she thought loved her and cared for her were gone, she was yet again rejected! She only wanted someone to understand her sorrow's, Her pain, Her guilt but they could not accept any of it. But one day she found a man who listened to all she had to say, he accepted her for who she is, he did not care about the scar's on her face, or what she had done. He said everyone deserves a second chance. He told me not to fear of what those had to say, and to never regret the things she had done, for those decisions that she had made, made her the person she is today, that it was for the best for her.

She had to pinched herself to make sure what this man had said was real and not just a dream, and sure enough it was reality..... Now this woman is not afraid to walk with her head held high, she is a happy woman and is now proud of her life, and the things she has accomplished.. Thanks to one man she can now be free and live a happy life knowing that she doe not need to live in fear.

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